Trichoderma species as biocontrol agents
Trichoderma species as biocontrol agents

trichoderma species as biocontrol agents

Many species of plant-parasitic nematodes can act as pests on a wide range of important agricultural crops ( Schouteden et al. Evaluation of leguminous species as cover crops associated with sacha inchi.

trichoderma species as biocontrol agents

El ácido giberélico incrementa el rendimiento de plantas adultas de sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis). Furthermore, it adapts to degraded soils and grows associated with leguminous species, improving the soil fertility and generating positive environmental impacts ( Pezo et al. Sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis): a seed source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, tocopherols, phytosterols, phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity. Sacha inchi ( Plukenetia volubilis L.) has generated interest in the international market, in recent years, due to the fact that its seeds contain high levels of unsaturated fatty acids, proteins and vitamins A and E ( Chirinos et al. fungos endofíticos formação de galhas sistema radicular Ademais, estes isolados permitiram um melhor desenvolvimento radicular nas plantas testadas, revelando, assim, um bom potencial de biocontrole contra M. Entre os isolados mais eficientes para colonização endofítica, alguns de Trichoderma ( e.g., kmd-36 e kmd-54) e outros de Clonostachys ( e.g., kmd-68 e kmd-80) promoveram redução significativa (p < 0,05) no número de galhas induzidas pelos nematoides, em comparação ao tratamento controle sem colonização endofítica. A maior diversidade deles foi encontrada em Plukenetia brachybotria.

trichoderma species as biocontrol agents

Os resultados mostram que o gênero Plukenetia é rico em diversidade de fungos endofíticos. Para avaliar tais efeitos, plântulas foram colonizadas com estes isolados fúngicos e, em seguida, foram infestadas com ovos do nematoide das galhas. Nesta pesquisa, foram explorados fungos endofíticos em caules e folhas de sete espécies do gênero Plukenetia e avaliadas as habilidades de isolados de Trichoderma e Clonostachys como potenciais agentes de biocontrole contra danos causados por este nematoide em sacha inchi. Um dos principais problemas patológicos para o cultivo de sacha inchi ( Plukenetia volubilis L.) é sua suscetibilidade ao nematoide das galhas ( Meloidogyne incognita). fungal endophytes gall formation root system In addition, these isolates allowed a better root development in the tested plants, thus revealing a good biocontrol potential against M. Among the most efficient isolates for endophytic colonization, some of Trichoderma ( e.g., kmd-36 and kmd-54) and others of Clonostachys ( e.g., kmd-68 and kmd-80) provided a significant (p < 0.05) reduction in the number of galls induced by the nematodes, in comparison to the control treatment without endophytic colonization.

trichoderma species as biocontrol agents

Their greatest diversity was found in Plukenetia brachybotria. The results showed that the Plukenetia genus is rich in diversity of fungal endophytes. In order to evaluate such effects, seedlings were colonized with these fungal isolates, and then they were infested with root-knot nematode eggs. In this study, fungal endophytes were explored in the stems and leaves of seven species of the Plukenetia genus, and also evaluated the abilities of isolates of Trichoderma and Clonostachys as biocontrol agents against damages caused by this nematode in sacha inchi. One of the main pathological problems for cropping sacha inchi ( Plukenetia volubilis L.) is its susceptibility to root-knot nematodes ( Meloidogyne incognita).

Trichoderma species as biocontrol agents